"Eat Again" Dutch Baby Pancake

Supper is prepped for tonight.  Parent/teacher interviews are done for another semester (and the boys are so awesome!  Teachers are too!).  I got my baking done yesterday and came close to a cinnamon crisis in regards to the Snickerdoodles!  I ran out.  Yikes!  That has never happened.  I always have extra cinnamon stashed somewhere.  I actually have 2 different cinnamon shakers for different purposes.  There's the big cinnamon shaker for the "use cinnamon in large quantities when making cinnamon buns" and the small shaker for "just a pinch" cookies and cakes.  Regardless, I used every spec of cinnamon I could find in the house and managed to get them all coated sufficiently and they went over well with the family.  Andrew had a friend over they kept coming back for more cookies, especially the friend, so I finally told the friend to "GET YOUR FILTHY FINGERS OUT OF THE COOKIES!!!"  Actually, it was more like "you've had enough...no more...thanks so much." 

I baked one more thing yesterday that I want to share with you, but I think I want to try it again, giving the recipe a few tweaks before putting it on here as a family favorite.

I offered today's post to someone else to write as a guest blog, but that offer was denied so I'll post it myself!  This recipe will be labelled as an "eat again" recipe instead of a "make again", since I didn't make it in the first place.  Dean was strolling through the internet this morning and found this recipe and promptly got busy and made it for our breakfast.  Hot out of the oven, it was yummy ++ !!  And he got to use his favorite kitchen tool - one of our (many) cast iron frying pans.

Ladies and gentleman, from Dean's kitchen to yours, here's Dutch Baby Pancakes

3 Tbsp butter
3 eggs
3/4 cup milk
1/2 cup flour
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup sugar

1.  Preheat oven to 425 F. 
2.  In oven proof skillet/cast iron pan, melt the 2 Tbsp butter over medium heat; set aside.
3.  In a blender, combine eggs, milk, flour, salt, vanilla and sugar.  Blend until foamy, about one minute.
4.  Pour batter into skillet; bake 20 minutes, until pancake is lightly browned and puffed.
5.  Dot butter on baked pancake and sprinkle with icing sugar (or can you imagine sugar and cinnamon?!!)

The pancake will fall when removed from the oven but don't worry about that.  Serve immediately.  Serves 3-4.

Thanks for breakfast, Dean!


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