
I read something online the other day as I was getting ready for work.  I often turn to a list of devotional/inspirational blogs to read when I'm sitting at the island alone at 6 o'clock in the morning, getting ready for a long day ahead.  On this day, I read something that made me stop in my tracks, so to speak.

I thought about what I had read a lot throughout that day.  About how it applied so perfectly to me.  How I could relate to every.  single.  statement.

And then I thought about this little space that I draw your attention to, here on "Make Again", and I wondered if I've ever discouraged you with my mental meanderings.  I tend to come here often and describe the long list of things that I've done, things that I've attempted, all my "homemade" blah blah blah.

I guess, after reading the writing that I will quote in a sec, I want you to know that, yes, I have some homemaker triumphs. 

....and then I have some homemaker struggles, too, mostly surrounding the long list of things that I often carry plenty of guilt around in regards to things that I DON'T get done. 

I often feel that what I'm doing is never enough.  I can't get my act together to succeed at everything all at the same time. 

As wives and mothers, we juggle this huge pile of plates/expectations in our roles as moms, wives, friends, employees, volunteers and, well, I just never feel that I successfully manage everything.  If I'm cooking well, my house is dirty.  If my house is clean, I'm exhausted and grumpy.  If I'm doing a good job at work, I'm absent from home.  I spend time with my family, but then neglect my friends.  To quote my nephew, when he was 4 years old - "I CAN'T DO IT!"  I can't do it all, that is. 

So, when I read this the other morning, it brought a lump to my throat.  Seems I'm not the only one who has ever felt that what I do is "not enough".  I've tempered my personal frustrations with reminders to myself from this during these past couple of days.

Here it is:

Well, here's the deal{the real truth}:
You are enough.
You cook enough.
You work enough.
You clean enough.
You play with your kids enough.
You smile enough.
You bake enough.
You craft enough.
You volunteer enough.
Your car is enough.
You exercise enough. You exercise enough. Again---You exercise enough.
You are creative enough.
You care enough.
You car pool enough.
Your house is enough.
Your apartment is enough.
You attend children activities enough.
You walk the dog enough.
You eat healthy enough.
You drink water enough.
You organize enough.
You do laundry enough.
You are think enough.
You read to your kids enough.
You weed enough.
Your car is clean enough.
You read enough.
You write enough.
You paint enough.
You listen enough.
You are attractive enough.
You share enough.
You discipline enough.
You care enough.

You are beautiful.

Yeah, it's got me goin' again.  My eyes are leaking.

It's my prayer for YOU today, that you'll realize that "you ARE beautiful".  You're doing enough, in fact, you're probably doing too much. Stop striving.  Don't ever think you'll catch me watching you, measuring your actions with some imperceptible yardstick of "success". 

As Mother's Day brings herself around in a few days, I hope that you will find yourself at peace with your place in this world, whether you're a mother or not, simply as a woman.  I hope that there will be a place of inner rest for you, a sense of affirmation, a personal understanding that the long list of expectations that you find yourself under does not make YOU.

My heart to yours today. 

...And I think, for today, that's enough.


  1. I could elaborate but I'll just sum it up - Thank You! That is a wonderful thing to share.


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