Because You're Mine, I Walk The Line

It's been a juggling act around here this month!  I've had many extra hours at work and am hanging on until the end of the month, hoping to find my sanity again then.

Sometimes, okay, most of the time, I feel like I have bitten off more than I can chew.  What to give up, without feeling like I've abandoned something uber important?  Important to ME anyway...

So, most days I find myself walking the fine line between being happily committed to my commitments.....

.....and hanging on to my spiralling stress level by the wee tips of my fingers....

Commitments to 'outside-the-home' activities aside, it's my family that counts.  At the end of the day, how I spent my time with them, how well I fed them (body, soul and spirit) is the measuring stick to my days' success.

I'm not a hero in that department.

Not every day around here meets the needs of any of us, though.  Sometimes we blunder, sometimes we succeed.

Last week, when my days off were far too short, I, um, yeah, I had a HYSTERICAL MOTHER MOMENT.


Mother-Grumpy-Pants arrived in full force, spent her anger, and demanded a group apology (which she got).  Too many episodes of undone dishes and wasted food and the occasional lack of appreciation fueled my fire.

The next day, my blessed sons walked through the door after school to find a bright orange poster greeting them, taped to the island, entitled "HOUSE RULES".  It started with seven directives, followed by five asterisks and two FYI's.

Mama laid the smack-down.  She meant business.

Son #1 walked through the door with a big smile, read the poster, looked at me, re-read the poster, looked at me....

....and wondered how long the poster would remain plastered to the kitchen island.
"Until you do all of these things without reminders!!", was my reply.

My supervision of said chores that night wasn't particularly enjoyed but, sheesh, someone's sons have gotta learn how to be responsible.

Or else Mama might cross that line between sanity and insanity!!!
Here's my domestic nod to Johnny Cash, my version of "Walk The Line":
"I keep the fridges full so we can dine
You have clean shirts and pants most of the time
I go to work so you can spend my dimes
Because you're mine - I walk the line!!!"
Everyone's participated rather well with the new house rules, thank you very much.  It's notable that having help with even the tiniest tasks spreads the load, eases the burden.
And sometimes, the most important part of my day is laying aside house rules and to-do lists and chores and expectations - to take advantage of opportunities to be a mom - a cheerleader on the sidelines of the volleyball court, a cheerleader in the midst of someone's discouragement, a cheerleader when someone needs a little help to find their mojo.

I took this picture last night at Ben's volleyball game.  I wish that I could show you the full picture but these aren't my kin and I don't expect that they or their parents would appreciate me plastering their picture on the www!  But this was a moment that was sweet to find when I uploaded the pictures last night.  Seven lanky 11-12 year old boys, sitting on the bench, talking, anxiously waiting for their next game (the competition was steep!) ... some great facial expressions were captured as they, being boys, posed for the camera!

But the deeper message of the picture to me is knowing that we all have our own lives to live, our own lines to cross, our choices to make.  We are as different and as varied as the shoes and feet represented here.  What works for you doesn't work for me, what I need may not be what you need. 

But, walk on, my friend, walk on.  Find your "line" of things that are important to commit to and go hard!  Insanity may strike on occasion, but go walk your line with joy!


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